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Who We Are

We strengthen community, facilitate advocacy, and care for our neighborhood. Together in our diversity, we create cohesion, joy, and empowerment with all those who live, work, or learn in Cambridgeport.


The Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association (CNA) was founded in November 2004 and is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We are located in Cambridge, MA with borders on River St, Mass Ave, the Grand Junction train tracks, and the Charles River.


 All residents of Cambridgeport, families of children who attend Cambridgeport schools, and people who work in Cambridgeport are part of the CNA and are encouraged to sign up for one of our listservs, follow us on social media, and join us at events. 


The CNA is represented by a board which is elected annually by community members.


2024 Board Members:


Rebecca Bowie, President

Tien-Tien Chan, Clerk

Michael Scarlett, Treasurer

Jimena Bermejo

Ned Codd

Tonia Hicks

Margaret Kuchler


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Our events are always free, open to the public, and no prior participation is necessary.

We encourage new faces to join us!


If you'd like to present at a community meeting or want to request a topic, let us know here

Rotary Community Meeting

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Location TBD


Please join in person if you're able, but there will be a hybrid option if needed.​ 

Register for Zoom link here. 

Concerned about the rotary? Interested in learning about the state's construction plans?


Come to hear about the $51 million currently programmed to reconstruct the Reid Overpass and the CNA's push to expand the conversation to reconsider the whole rotary area. Representatives from the city and state will be there to hear about your experiences with the rotary and your hopes for what should change. 


We will provide a virtual option, but please plan to join in person if you're able. 


Spread the word. Updates can be found on the listserv, social media, and at

Locally-Led Brave Spaces 2024 Cohort

Who: Interested future local leaders who want to learn more about Cambridge and how to engage in local civic life. Preference to residents of HRI buildings, then other residents of Cambridgeport, then open to the rest of Cambridge. 

What: Emerging leadership training program 

When: 6 evening sessions from April-September

Where: Cambridgeport, 808 and 812 Memorial Drive

Applications are closed and participants have been notified. 

CNA DEI Committee

Last Monday of the month



Register for Zoom link here. 

Cambridge Neighborhood Association Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee facilitated by Co- Chairs Valerie Bonds and Brian Aull.


Join a group of Cambridge residents concerned about the racism in our culture, who are looking for an opportunity to discuss the issues with others, with a goal to understand better, and work towards equal justice for all.   We do this through sharing readings, personal experiences and discussing current issues in town and beyond. We discuss topical readings to increase our awareness and understanding of how racism manifests in our society and community, and we work to address inequities and amplify marginalized voices in Cambridge. Repeat participants help to move the conversation forward, andbrand-new participants are welcome and encouraged each month. 

Past Events since 2020​

The CNA Board & the DEI Committee each meet monthly.


June 2024: Textile/book drive, community meeting, BHAC community input session, Gallery 263 birthday party, Rezoning focus group

May 2024: Annual Clean Up & Seedling Swap

April 2024: "Open house" community meeting

February 2024: Annual meeting & elections

January 2024: Climate & Community brainstorm 

December 2023: Community meeting

November 2023: Textile & Book Drive

October 2023: Municipal Candidate Night

September 2023: Community meeting

June 2023: Bike Meetup & Showcase

May 2023: Textile & Book Drive, Universal Pre-K Info Session

March 2023: First hybrid community meeting

February 2023: Annual Meeting

January 2023: Community gatherings

November 2022: Community Meeting

October 2022: Textile & Book Drive, Community meeting

September 2022: Meet Your Neighbor Day

May 2022: Community Meeting

April 2022: Textile Drive, Clean Up & Seedling Swap, Community meeting

February 2022Virtual Meeting/Board Elections

December 2021: Special election candidate forum

November 2021: Fall Gathering in Dana Park

October 2021: Municipal Candidate Night

September 2021: Cambridgeport Play Day

May 2021: Neighborhood Plant Swap

April 2021: Community Clean Up

April 2021: Virtual Community Meeting

March 2021: Virtual Community Meeting

February 2021: Virtual Community Meeting & Annual Elections

November 2020: Virtual Community Meeting

September 2020: Virtual Community Meeting

May 2020: Plant Swap

April 2020: Virtual Trivia Night

April 2020: Teddy Bear in the Window - Bear Hunt

April 2020: Support Local Businesses Media Campaign

March 2020: Neighbors Helping Neighbors Match Service

January 2020: Public meeting and annual election


Connect With Us!


Join Our Neighborhood Conversation Listserv!


You're invited if you live or work in Cambridgeport, or if you have a child in a Cambridgeport school.


The CNA neighborhood conversation listserv is a forum for issues and information related to Cambridgeport. Opinions expressed by individuals do not reflect the opinions of the organization. Rules for participation are here.

Just want to be notified of CNA activities, with no conversation? 
(Open to all, not just Cambridgeport.)

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